An open laptop with the words Mary, I love you visibile on the screen overlaid on a blue background
Photo Credit
Oct 12
Oct 29

The View from Here

Mary and Michael have some issues.

Things just aren’t turning out quite the way they’d planned, and the view from here isn’t exactly the view they had been expecting to see.

Weddings and funerals, unscheduled renovations, Guinness and date nights, the foibles of intimacy after a certain age… it all adds up to seeing the world in a very different, and often very hilarious way!


Melanie Janzen as Mary

Jamie Williams as Michael


Written by Jamie Williams

Directed by David Nairn

Stage Manager - Jory McLean

Apprentice Stage Manager - Laura Larson

Set Designer - Beckie Morris

Lighting Designer - Louise Guinard

Costume Designer - Alex Amini

Details, details...

Running time

This show runs 2 hours with one 15-minute intermission.


Opera House

87 Broadway

About the venue

Content notice

This production contains adult subject matter and is intended for mature audiences.

Performance dates

See the dates in a calendar or list view.

Available on StageTOScreen

Safety Measures

We have rigorous safety measures in place to ensure a safe return to your theatre.

Read our safety policy about our COVID-19 protocols

Relaxed Performance

Oct 26, 2023 2:00 PM

Perfect for anyone who would benefit from a more relaxed theatre-going environment.


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