Green background with silhouette of 3 people, a man in the middle holding a ring box surrounded by two women on either side.
Photo Credit
May 1
May 18

I'm in Love With Your Sister

I’m in Love With Your Sister, is as precise a synopsis of this story as there can possibly be.

What’s the play about you ask?

Well, it’s about a guy who falls in love with a woman who just happens to be the sister of the woman he is currently living with.

Well, that sounds awkward. Yes.

That’s because it is awkward. Most comedies stem from some kind of awkwardness.

But how does this happen? Is there an explanation? Yes.

There is a triggering incident that sets the wheels in motion, and when you see the story unfold on stage, it seems quite logical. And funny. Most importantly, it’s funny. And awkward. But funny



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Running time


Opera House

87 Broadway

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We have rigorous safety measures in place to ensure a safe return to your theatre.

Read our safety policy about our COVID-19 protocols

Relaxed Performance

May 15, 2025 11:00 AM

Perfect for anyone who would benefit from a more relaxed theatre-going environment.


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We believe theatre is a powerful tool. It dramatizes and contextualizes the world. It invites us to walk in other’s shoes; see the world through their eyes.

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